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News and useful tips

Our latest news, plus advice on how to keep your heating and plumbing in perfect working order

Regulating sludge in central heating systems

November 28th, 2017|

You have no doubt turned on your heating by now as we have already been seeing some rather cold weather with more to come. Perhaps you have turned it on and found that it’s not heating up as well? Or maybe you vented it and found that it had some

The importance of regular maintenance to your boiler

October 18th, 2017|

According to the Energy Saving Trust a boiler is the most common way of heating our homes in the UK. Increasingly, combi boilers are used as older boilers are replaced as they are efficient and provide hot water on demand as well as powering a home’s central heating system. Most

Top tips to keep your pipes clear and avoid blockages

September 21st, 2017|

In today’s fast-paced world, we rely on convenient and quick solutions to help us get through the day and get everything that we need to do done. But in some ways, convenience is storing up problems for us in the longer run – the latest ‘fatberg’ found in east London

Three signs your boiler is a death trap

June 8th, 2017|

A CO2 leak from your boiler could kill within hours, yet despite this many homeowners forget at least one of their annual services in their boiler’s lifetime. If you can’t remember when you last had yours serviced, you could soon become one of the annual 4,000 people who are admitted

Tackling the top five boiler problems

June 8th, 2017|

Every 20 seconds a boiler somewhere in the UK comes to a noisy, grinding halt – leaving property inhabitants cold, unwashed and seriously out of out of luck. Whilst you may automatically reach for the phone to call in the plumbers pronto, it may be a simple problem that could

How to spot a trusted plumber

June 8th, 2017|

We’d love to say that our trade is one free from unscrupulous tricksters, but that would simply be a lie. As with all industries, ours is one where cowboys do exist – and they can seem indistinguishable from the real McCoy unless you have a few well-placed insider tips

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