Throughout the year, your boiler is likely to be one of the things that your household depends on most, but as they don’t come with warning alerts or use by dates, how can we know when there is an issue that requires the need for a full replacement? Here are a few tell tale signs to look out for.
Regular faults
An immediate signal that your boiler may have reached its peak is when breakdowns become a regular occurrence. If you find yourself adjusting the pressure on a routine basis, showering with cold water an unpleasant amount of times or dressing in additional layers to fight against that cold chill throughout your home, you are living with a boiler that is crying out for a replacement. The costs of fixing these faults regularly would justify the purchase of a new boiler, one which will supply you with warmth, hot water and the correct pressure daily.
Excessive noises
A smooth running boiler will very rarely let out any noise, so if your boiler is replicating the sound of the sinking titanic more often than a peaceful and efficiently running household appliance, you may want to start considering a replacement. Clunks, tapping and whistling are common within boilers that have approached their use by dates. These noises are formed by excessive build up of limescale or muck within the pipework which work their way into the heat exchanger and can cause damage which can be fixed often only by replacement.
Rising energy bills
Observing your utility bills regularly will give you a good indication into the working state of your boiler. If you notice that your heating bills are on the up, it is likely to be the culprit. An old boiler will have to work harder to run, even though it won’t be as effective as it once was, causing your bills to noticeably increase. Take a look to see what rating yours is. If G-rated, you will find it runs at 70% efficiency, meaning for every pound spent, you lose 30p worth of energy. A-rated boilers run at 90% efficiency, the highest and most effective on the market currently. It may be worth replacing your older model with one of a higher efficiency to assist your home as well as your outgoings.
Old age
On average, the lifespan of a boiler can be anything between 10 and 15 years. If you are new to your home, you may not be sure of the age of yours and it may be difficult to find out, so looking out for other warning signs will be helpful to you. If you are aware that your boiler is approaching, or has passed, the average age and have been experiencing issues recently, it would be time for you to contact a professional and seek a replacement.
Bad odours
Bad odours are a strong sign that you need to update and replace your boiler. These smells could signify a variety of faults, such as a carbon monoxide leak which could be fatal if not dealt with immediately. Although ordinarily, this would not give off any scent, it is common for gas companies to add a sulphur smelling odour within your boiler, purely for your safety. Other smells such as burning or metallic scents, could signify a different issue that a professional would have to examine as soon as possible. Any time one of these scented faults occur, take it as a sign to replace your boiler with an up-to-date, safe model.
It is always best for a professional to assess your boiler and its faults and for you to allow them to handle the replacement in the safest, most efficient way, providing your home with a working boiler which conforms to all of the correct health and safety regulations.
If your boiler is in need of a service, call our friendly and professional team at Platinum Plumbers on 020 8855 0361 or email us at where we can make an appointment to assess yours efficiently and effectively.